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HomeBike Touring Rides

CCC Bicycle Touring Group Rides

Welcome to the CCC Bicycle Touring Cluster!

We are a group of cyclists who are passionate about touring the countryside by bicycle that are equipped with racks and panniers carrying what we need to get us to the next stop, be it hours or days. We will be planning a variety of touring opportunities. 


  • Credit Card tours where the nightly accommodations are at hotels, B&Bs or homes the carrying capacity necessary could be just clothes and toiletries. 
  • Bikepacking is on the other extreme with rustic camping in remote areas. These tours require sleep system, water filtration, cooking system, clothes and several days of food. 
  • Bike Touring is in the middle of these two with overnights at campsites with toilets, water, showers, and often electricity. Typically these require sleep systems, cooking system and an overnight of food. 


For those who are new to bicycle touring, we plan to annually schedule one overnight trip, a 3-4 day trip and a longer trip in the Spring or Fall so that you can get a taste of what bicycle touring is all about. The ride leaders will share their knowledge of equipment and trip planning during the trips. We will pick routes that offer hotels/restaurants in case you do not have the equipment to camp and cook.

We also plan to schedule a monthly ride (unloaded) in the Cincinnati area, followed by an informal presentation on a bike touring topic.

Please sign up for ride/trip notifications to hear about our upcoming activities. Join the Google Groups!forum/ccc-touring/join  

Your Cluster leader for Touring Rides is: 

John Crook
cell phone: 614 496-8982

Contact John to get your ride listed on the CCC Calendar or to express your interest in joining the group on future rides.
