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HomeRide Notification Emails

Please join and become a CCC Member, then register for each group ride line that you have an interest in participating.

The MAIN ride line is for rides with multiple speed groups and all club rides like picnics etc. We have individual ride lines solely for Casual Rides, Advanced, Touring, and Gravel. Simply click the JOIN links below to join.

Thank you,

Fred Ferguson
President - Cincinnati Cycle Club

All Club, Mixed level, and Intermediate Ride announcements

  Subscribe to the Main CCC Ride line and recieve the ride postings by joining the Google Group!forum/ccc-rides/join

This ride line is for all intermiedate rides, rides that have mutliple speed groups, club picnic rides, and rides that are for the entire club .

Advanced and Elite Ride announcements

  Subscribe to the Advanced ride line and recieve the ride postings by joining the Google Group!forum/ccc-advanced/join

Advanced rides are rides that are for A group and Race Level riders. These rides are fast paced 17-25 mph average and can consist of hills and longer distances.

Easy, Casual, and Beginner Ride Annoucements

  Subscribe to the Easy Rider ride line and recieve the ride postings by joining the Google Group!forum/ccc-easyriders/join

The Easy Riders cluster is for riders all over the city who identify as Beginner or Casual. Our rides are usually 20-30 miles long, social, and often involve stops for coffee, ice cream, etc. Frequently, we host Destination Rides to an event or attraction. We lead rides from Wyoming, College Hill, Kenwood, Lebanon, Newtown, Maineville and Newport. For rides rated Casual, everyone is welcome who can keep an average pace of 11-12 mph. For rides rated Beginner, everyone is welcome. Helmets and sign-in are required on all rides. Water recommended.

Bicycle Touring Cluster

  Subscribe to the Bicycle Touring Cluster ride line and recieve the ride postings by joining the Google Group!forum/ccc-touring/join

For those who are new to bicycle touring, the CCC Bicycle Touring Cluster plans to annually schedule one overnight trip and one week-long trip in the Spring or Fall so that you can get a taste of what bicycle touring is all about. The ride leaders will share their knowledge of equipment and trip planning during the events. We will pick routes that offer hotels/restaurants in case you do not have the equipment to camp and cook.

We also plan to schedule a monthly ride (unloaded) in the Cincinnati area, followed by an informal presentation on a bike touring topic.

Please sign up for ride/trip notifications to hear about our upcoming activities.

Bob Kissinger
Dave Schenck
Chris Potensky

Gravel, Off Road, and MTB Ride announcements

  Subscribe to the Gravel ride line and recieve the ride postings by joining the Google Group!forum/ccc-gravel/join

This ride line is for All Gravel, Off Road, and Mountain Bikes rides.
